Rosie and Tucker have 6 mini goldendoodles born on December 18.  There are 4 boys and 2 girls and they will be able to go to their new homes on or after February 12, 2025.  They will range in size from 15-35 lbs and are $2500. 

4 weeks 

Cal is a beautiful dark boy who is named for Cal Ripkin, the famous Baltimore Oriole who was born in Maryland.  Cal is a very sweet, gentle calm boy.


Harriet is a colorful girl with a happy, loving personality.  She is named for Harriet Tubman who was born in Maryland.


Zappa is a very outgoing, friendly boy who is the biggest in the litter.  He is named after Frank Zappa, the prolific musician born in Maryland.

birthday photos


The Parents:  Rosie and Tucker