Cleo (known as Lily by her guardian family) and Tucker have a beautiful litter of 14 puppies born on August 3.  They will be ready to go home on September 27.  Their pups will be about 15-35 lbs as adults and are $2500.   Lily’s guardian family named these pups for “Lily’s Lovely Last Litter”!  

3.5 weeks

Lassie is a sweet relaxed girl.


Laurel is very curly, friendly and loving.


Legend is the biggest boy in the litter.  He is very soft and cuddly.


Leia is a beautiful parti colored girl and is very curious about her surroundings.


Leon is a very little guy, but he has a large friendly personality.



Liberty is a sweet, quiet girl.


Lilliana an amazing little girl.  She looks completely white, but she has a tiny apricot spot on her left ear.  She is super soft and loves attention.


Lionel is one of the darker pups in the litter and he is super outgoing and curly.


Liv is the tiniest little girl in the litter.  She is very curly and light in color.


Lloyd is a very happy, waggy boy.


Londyn is a golden color and will have loose curls.  She is very sweet and chubby.


Louie is a very small little boy who is just so happy to be alive!  His little tail wags a mile a minute.


Lucky is a chunky little boy with a laid back nature.


Lulu is about as adorable as they come.  She loves people and is very happy!

Baby photos


The Parents:  Cleo and Tucker